Sunday, July 29, 2012

Chaos Rings II Review

 Chaos Rings II Review (iPhone)

This is a solid iOs game.  The gameplay is stellar, the story is captivating, and the graphics are beautiful.  This game has it all.  Like the first two games in the series, the game holds true to the turn by turn battle sequences.  The flow of the battles have greatly improved.  The greater involvement of choices makes the storyline more engrossing.  At times the story does not flow well, but it's not a big complaint.  The graphics are stellar in comparison to other handhelds.  The monsters are MUCH better than the original, there are more places to visit, and the transition is much better.  The only games that I can quickly think of that surpass it are games on the Vita.  Square Enix continues to blaze the path for making great games for smartphones.  Hopefully, they will continue to improve upon the foundation they have laid. This game comes highly recommended (if you can swallow the high price tag).

Note: I used an iPhone 4.

Darwin's , the main protagonist, choices have a major impact on the final results of the game.

There is a great variety of landscapes.  Each encourages the gamer to stop and "smell the roses".

Friday, July 20, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises Review

Without giving too much away, the Dark Knight Rises was incredible. It made me laugh. It caught me off guard. It was thrilling. If you do nothing else this summer, you MUST go see this movie. I highly recommend it. It has action, drama, and a story that is unforgettable.

NOTE: I highly recommend that you watch the first to parts to this trilogy before watching the third part. Watching these movies will quadrupole your experience.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Voice Answer Review

This app holds a lot of promise. It looks like a great Siri alternative. However, this app simply doesn't do what it says it will do. When I say something like "Set alarm for 7 AM", it always asks, "What time?". It is unintuitive and clumsy. Don't bother having this app wasting space on your iPhone. However, I would wait and see if they improve the app with future updates. Hopefully they will

Saturday, July 7, 2012

John Mayer - Born and Raised Review

John Mayer seems to be taking a slight change in sound for this album.  His songs seem to embrace a Country twang.  Don't get me wrong, it's wonderful.  My personal favorite is "Walt Grace's Submarine Test, January 1967".  Highly recommend it for the avid fan and those who were hesitant about John Mayer previously. 

Listen to the album here via Spotify!

John Mayer – Born and Raised

5 Amazing iPhone Apps

With so many apps out in the marketplace, it's harder than ever to find reliable and intuitive apps.  Here is a list (in no particular order) and review of 5 incredible iPhone apps. 

1. Flipboard
Screenshot of Flipboard app in action!
Flipboard is way to compile all of your social networks and news sites into a magazine like format.  It removes the clutter that the other sites might have.  The coolest part of this app is that you don't scroll from top to bottom to read articles or statuses.  You actual turn "page by page"!  I've spent many a hour just turning the pages reading up on current events and the latest high school drama being brought back from the past (I like to breeze through those....).  I haven't even said the coolest part about this app.  It's free.  That's right, Flipboard is free.  I cannot think of any reason not to want this app in your collection.

Gets a 5/5 rating.

2. Google Drive

The Drive homescreen on iPhone.
Google Drive is a free service, and app, that comes included with your Google account.  It allows you to sync your files across your desktop to basically anywhere.  From documents to videos, it takes them all.  Google Drive is much better than Dropbox simply because Drive gives you more free space that makes Dropbox look cheap and being part of the Google ecosystem comes with many, many advantages.  Upgrading Drive is cheaper and come with more options too! (Here are the links for each: Drive  Dropbox)  Drive is, simply put, a better version of Dropbox.  So go and drop that box, and switch over to Drive!  Sorry Dropbox. 

Get's a 4.5/5 rating.
 Note: This is because neither app supports document editing.  Hopefully, a feature to come in the future.

3. Chrome

A screenshot of Chrome in action.

 Chrome is a better alternative to Safari.  It has voice search that has failed me only once in my 2 week experimentation with it.  If you are a Chrome user on your desktop, then you'll love the apps syncing abilities (personally I use Firefox).  It's fast, intuitive, clean, and simple.  Only thing I wish it has was a "stop loading button", but I'll survive.  Another free app that you should at a minimum consider since it works so well.

 Get's a 5/5 rating.


 4. Chaos Rings

Chaos Rings home screen.
 Chaos Rings is an awesome RPG for the iPhone and iPad.  The graphics are stunning, and the story is gripping.  Customization is there, but only in things like abilities.  For weapons and armor, it's pretty basic.  The more expensive ones in the shop are better then the cheaper ones.  The ones you find out during your adventures are even better then the ones in the shop.  For battles, you bump into them while exploring the map.  Battles are turned based.  It gets a little repetitive after a while, but the bosses are a challenge and the story was enticing enough to keep me going.  I was surprised more than once by the turn in the storyline.  You have a choice of different couples.  Each set of couple gives a different perspective.  It takes about 20 hours to beat the game with one couple.  After you beat the game, there are plenty of extras to keep you coming back.  Only drawback is how expensive it is.  While the original Chaos Rings has become cheaper (because other versions have come out such as Chaos Rings II), it is still $13.  Nonetheless, I still highly recommend it to any gamer who wants something more than Angry Birds or Cut the Rope.

Get's a 4.5/5 rating.

5. PNC Virtual Wallet
PNC Virtual Wallet is a great free app (only for PNC members though).  My personal experience with this app is great.  It safe, secure, and intuitive.  PNC members can digitally upload checks and transfer money from accounts.  You can pay bills and even see a list of recent transactions.  This app is great for the those in the PNC ecosystem.  For those that have another bank account... go get a PNC account.  They are just better. 

Get's a 5/5 rating!

If you have any apps that you would like me to review, put them in your comment! Thanks.